Pantone Lighting Indicator
Pantone Lighting Indicators ensure colors are viewed under proper lighting conditions. A must-have tool for accurate color evaluation in screen printing.
Control your variables for consistent results
In screen printing, your tools are the key to controlling the many variables that affect print quality. By carefully selecting and using the right tools, you can gain control of your process and achieve consistent results.
Each tool, from the durometer of your squeegee to the mesh count of your screen, plays a critical role in determining the outcome of your print. By understanding how these tools work together, you can fine-tune your process and overcome any challenges that may arise.
Pantone Lighting Indicators ensure colors are viewed under proper lighting conditions. A must-have tool for accurate color evaluation in screen printing.
Screen Printing Scale why it is important Screen Printing Scale to control our variables As explained here in the topic on important screen printing tools, …
Discover how the Pantone Capture tool ensures accurate color matching for screen printers. Streamline your workflow and achieve consistent results.